Wow, it's definitely been awhile since I've updated my life via blogger. And much has definitely happened since this summer!!
Fall semester of my 4th year of college is winding down.... but not slowing down. It has been a fast-paced, pretty busy semester-- and not what I expected at all. Allow me to give you a quick run-down:
August: BFF Nicole Prince marries stud, Graham Davis, on August 5th, in a most stunning wedding. Camp Meeting begins and ends. My classes at UNCC start up. I find out I am leading 3 amazing girls in a Bible study (Danielle Vaccaro, Kate Biggs, and Kristen Humphreys). I am also being mentored by Amy Alexander, a great friend of mine who is on staff for Campus Outreach.
September: I hurt my knee playing ultimate frisbee, get x-rays, and nothing is broken. This month is pretty normal otherwise.... a bunch of schoolwork, hanging out with friends, and loving learning new things.

October: I made a decision to go back to Summer Beach Project as Women's Coordinator. I was honestly so set on not going after this past summer, just because I was sure the Lord had something different for me to do. However, after talking with past women's coordinators and enjoying a day of prayer at Reedy Creek Park, I felt the Lord's pull to go back to Myrtle Beach for a fourth summer in a hotel! Sounds absolutely absurd, but I know it's the best thing for me and my growth as a follower of Christ. I found out that I tore both my ACL and miniscus from
my frisbee incident after getting an MRI. Surgery's planned for December 12th. Another significant thing in October was the women's retreat in Albemarle on Lake Tillery. It was really fun to combine both Wingate's and UNCC's campuses into a house for a weekend. I also was able to meet a couple of girls who I'll be rooming with this summer, so that was exciting!!!! Also, I went to a halloween party on halloween night at some guys' house. It was pretty relaxed; I dressed up as Audrey Hepburn, and I must admit that I could've done better, but I threw toegether an outfit in a hour, so I was proud of myself for that. I also bought a dress for the part from Goodwill for like $5. Incredible.

November: This month has just begun, and I've attended one wedding.... Clint and Rachel (Nelson) Darst are now married! I had the privilege of helping take photos for their wedding, and it went so smoothly. The wedding was gorgeous, and Rachel did a great job planning it in just a few months!
So, where am I now? I am in the midst of exam-taking, presentation-planning, project-finishing, as well as loving spending time with people and soaking up college life.... late nights doing work and talking to other students; dreaming up what the Lord could do on UNCC's campus; planning the next couple of years I'll still be at UNCC. :) Right now, I am in the process of finding new housing for next semester. My roommate is awesome, but I am crowding her out of our 14'x10' dorm room. It's pretty tiny!!
I'll write more specifics on stuff later, but I wanted to post a general update...
Fall semester of my 4th year of college is winding down.... but not slowing down. It has been a fast-paced, pretty busy semester-- and not what I expected at all. Allow me to give you a quick run-down:

August: BFF Nicole Prince marries stud, Graham Davis, on August 5th, in a most stunning wedding. Camp Meeting begins and ends. My classes at UNCC start up. I find out I am leading 3 amazing girls in a Bible study (Danielle Vaccaro, Kate Biggs, and Kristen Humphreys). I am also being mentored by Amy Alexander, a great friend of mine who is on staff for Campus Outreach.
September: I hurt my knee playing ultimate frisbee, get x-rays, and nothing is broken. This month is pretty normal otherwise.... a bunch of schoolwork, hanging out with friends, and loving learning new things.

October: I made a decision to go back to Summer Beach Project as Women's Coordinator. I was honestly so set on not going after this past summer, just because I was sure the Lord had something different for me to do. However, after talking with past women's coordinators and enjoying a day of prayer at Reedy Creek Park, I felt the Lord's pull to go back to Myrtle Beach for a fourth summer in a hotel! Sounds absolutely absurd, but I know it's the best thing for me and my growth as a follower of Christ. I found out that I tore both my ACL and miniscus from

November: This month has just begun, and I've attended one wedding.... Clint and Rachel (Nelson) Darst are now married! I had the privilege of helping take photos for their wedding, and it went so smoothly. The wedding was gorgeous, and Rachel did a great job planning it in just a few months!
So, where am I now? I am in the midst of exam-taking, presentation-planning, project-finishing, as well as loving spending time with people and soaking up college life.... late nights doing work and talking to other students; dreaming up what the Lord could do on UNCC's campus; planning the next couple of years I'll still be at UNCC. :) Right now, I am in the process of finding new housing for next semester. My roommate is awesome, but I am crowding her out of our 14'x10' dorm room. It's pretty tiny!!
I'll write more specifics on stuff later, but I wanted to post a general update...
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