jon holbrook, dutiful husband and proud father, is guest-blogging for the 28 week mark. (proofread by tiff of course)
how far along: 28 weeks
due date: October 10
size of baby: chinese cabbage, 15 in., 2.25 lbs.
movement: thankfully, our daughter loves to move and sway and gesticulate. she is pretty active these days. when we play music for her, tiff swears that she responds with movement.
symptoms: nothing yet. as the weeks pass by, tiff still hasn't felt any symptoms of preterm labor - which is terrific news. we had a really encouraging appointment on monday morning.
food cravings: our doctor was concerned about tiff's weight, explaining that she needs to gain more. so, tiff gets to indulge her ice cream cravings. on the other hand, i fake cravings for spinach and hard-boiled eggs to make sure that tiff gets her protein.
maternity clothes: i was finally able to sift through our storage unit for tiff's summer clothes. as a result, tiff has been waltzing around the house in her summer outfits - by waltzing, i really mean, lounging on the couch.
what I miss: i miss exploring the city together. tiff was a great sport for trying new restaurants and a great companion for dates around town. we've nevertheless been able to enjoy being home bodies (and watch Nationals games most nights).
best moment of the week: i think that the appointment on monday lifted our spirits. our ultrasound tech, who has gotten to know our situation really well, had a really hopeful tone. Amid plenty of sobering news, it was comforting to hear that tiff and the baby might make it to full-term.
getting ready: tiff has her first shower next week - which means that we will be hosting lots of family in town. we are thrilled to see parents and siblings (and especially our nephew, davis). we're excited for the cousins to meet.
daddy: i'm doing well - constantly encouraged by the support of friends, family, co-workers. for those who know me, they know that i'm a sentimental guy. i'm thrilled about being a father, absolutely thrilled.
prayer requests: for wisdom mainly - that we make wise decisions about raising our daughter, about possibly relocating our family in the next few years. and mental toughness for tiff. she has been really strong over the last few weeks but bedrest has taken its toll. and, most importantly, for the baby's health. i pray for her every day.
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{ my beautiful wife at 28 weeks (hardly even showing) } |
thanks for letting me share my thoughts this week.