Wednesday, August 01, 2012

pregnancy highlights | 30 weeks

how far along: 30 weeks
due date: October 10
size of baby: large cabbage - 16 inches, 3 lbs.
gender: girl!
movement: her movement has been very different lately. I'm guessing it's because she's bigger and I'm feeling a lot more than just kicks & punches.  
symptoms: I am much more hungry. still no swelling - yay! 
food cravings: I believe I'm craving doughnuts so much because I haven't had any recently! :) Other than that, my appetite is pretty normal.  
maternity clothes: since I'm not going out in public much, I'm not buying a lot of maternity clothing. most of what I wear around the house isn't even maternity... just really stretchy! 
what I miss: visiting family & friends and going on vacation! hey people, it's the summer so GO TO THE BEACH!!!  I usually spend a lot of my summer visiting folks, especially my Nana - who I haven't seen in over a year. It will be fun to get out of the house and travel once our daughter arrives.
best moment of the week: there's so much to say here!!!!  Some friends threw a shower for me in my neighbor's place upstairs. friends and family traveled to DC for it, and having so many loved ones around all weekend was life-giving! we feel so blessed and thankful for the gifts and love we received. 
getting ready: .... now, we just have to re-organize our house to make room for all the baby stuff!
daddy: Jon is taking fatherhood seriously and has signed up for an infant care class, which he will take next week. he will spend 3 hours learning about diapering, swaddling, bathing, baby safety, etc. I'm proud of the initiative he has taken and encouraged by his support.
prayer requests: we were surprised when receiving positive results from our weekly ultrasound! we are even more hopeful now that our daughter will arrive closer to her due date. Pray for mama and baby to stay healthy. 

{ 30 weeks }

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