Sunday, April 20, 2008


I thought I'd include that I'm currently praying for a job in Blacksburg. I know you're thinking, "well, yes dear, I would hope so...." But really guys, I'm being proactive about it. So far, I've sent emails to a few places asking if they're hiring. Thank you, craigslist, you were of no help in my job search!

Some places
I'm interested in are teaching middle school, an art store in town, and 4 photography places. Please pray with me that I am seeking God and trusting that He opens and closes doors for His specific purpose. He is good, and I'm so thankful to be His beloved daughter.

open my eyes i wanna see you
open my ears i wanna hear you
open my heart i wanna feel you
and your great love, o Lord... once again

i wanna fall in love... once again
i wanna be more desperate.... once again
i wanna lose my sleep.... once again
falling in love with you

"open my eyes", sarah mcmillan

1 comment:

nee said...

i'm prayin with ya for a job that you love!