work: I am still learning something new every day about dental anatomy, making crowns and bridges, and I even got a good report last week! So, after 3 months, I think I'm finally catching on. Below is my "report card."

("near perfect"... hooray!)
home: oh, Allen Street, our home sweet home! Caroline and I almost forgot how vacant the street becomes once the cold weather sweeps in. It's bittersweet, because although our street is mostly quiet, we don't get to see all our favorite neighbors as much. The fence is serving its purpose and preventing folks from going into our back yard.
(me & caroline at a mute math concert)
church: the Lord is using Christ Central to constantly encourage and challenge me. I'm very thankful for my community group and the youth group especially. The teenage girls I get to be spend time with are such a delight and blessing. I'm so happy to be staying in Charlotte and be with them more.

(me & youth group girls)
family: Darla's college volleyball team went to nationals this year. Tj is changing schools. Mandy & Jacob are learning how to manage work with new baby Davis. Davis is the cutest ever and is a joy to be around. I never knew I could love a baby this much!! Momma is staying busy from keeping Davis during the day- any grandmother's dream!! Dad is staying busy researching good real estate deals in the area.

(davis- he's so stinkin cute!)
school: I'm hopefully going to be taking a seminary class next semester. I'm waiting on my acceptance into Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS).
thank you for taking time out to read this.